character gallery
ALRIGHT! i managed to get a thing working on here and it looks like dogwater underneath but! now the images should be clickable to get a better view, as well as clickable to shrink again. and! we have images with buttons for triggering content, like uh, eye strain or gore. just in case.
there is a slightly more embarassing blorbo gallery linked somewhere on this page, if you find it, well you found it. there's no special prize except viewing said blorbos, but it gives me peace of mind knowing i had to put you through a little rat maze to hunt them down.
good luck >:3c
placeholder text to describe whats here.
placeholder text to describe whats here.
placeholder text
placeholder text
placeholder text

sample underneath text
tw: sensitive placeholder text

sample underneath text
placeholder text to describe whats here.
placeholder text to describe whats here.
placeholder text to describe whats here.